Commercial truck drivers often need to drive at night, which opens the door for various safety risks. Nocturnal animals may be out and about, jumping onto the road at a moment's notice. Other motorists may be driving drunk, driving drowsy, or otherwise driving impaired. Visibility is reduced, especially in more rural routes where additional lighting isn't common. With all of these extra threats, it's important to take certain safety precautions when driving at night.

We've gathered up the essential tips for driving a commercial truck at night. For more information or to discuss custom truck bumper options, visit Truck Defender Bumpers. Our dealership is located in Vale, South Dakota, and we serve all of North America.

Set Yourself Up for Success

The first step is making sure you are ready for a safe drive, which starts with a good night's sleep. Driving while tired can be as unsafe, and sometimes even worse, than driving while intoxicated. Newer commercial truck drivers can be more likely to experience this issue since they are still figuring out their endurance limits.

In order to get a great night's sleep, try to sleep in a cool and dark room without distractions. Use earplugs or a white noise machine as needed. Avoid caffeine after noon and avoid smoking since nicotine can also be stimulating.

While on the road, be in tune with your body. If you get too drowsy, pull over and rest. It's not worth the safety risk to keep driving at night while your focus is compromised.

Keep the Commercial Truck's Windshield Clean

It's amazing how dirty a commercial truck's windshield can get. The interior and exterior can face a buildup of debris that can reduce your visibility. Everything from bug splatters to water spots can make the light reflect differently and make it harder to clearly see. Clean the windshield regularly, make sure there is enough windshield-wiper fluid, and replace the windshield wiper blades as needed.

Be Intentional with Your Gaze

If there are other motorists on the road, the glare from their headlights can be quite bright and can even slow your reaction time. Try to resist looking into the lane of oncoming traffic. Their headlights will hurt your visibility.

Instead, focus your gaze down and the right. This will allow you to scope out your surroundings and stay aware of any incoming obstacles without dealing with the glare from the headlights of other vehicles.

Want more tips for driving a commercial truck at night? Want to get a commercial truck bumper? Whatever you need, the experts at Truck Defender Bumpers are here for you. Contact us or stop by our dealership in Vale, South Dakota. We proudly serve all of North America.